Friday, October 17, 2008

Yesterday, I told my brother what I was going to post, but I think I'm going to lie to him, and change my decision

My topic today is: The memories we cherish indicates what we value in life.

The word cherish conveys the idea of treasuring some object, person or idea. Whether money, a wife, or a memory, it shows what we value. I think that this idea I'm trying to bring across is based on the passage in the Bible "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

So, I take this idea and look at my "treasure box" of memories and see what I find. Memories I cherish are:
1. Long talks with Nate about philosophy and life.
2. Long talk with my dad about looking for a mate
3. Walking on a hill behind Borders, looking over Eau Claire late at night with friends B and C
4. Etc.

What does this say about me? I like friends and philosophy. The problem is not that I like those things, they are morally neutral and can even be positive. The problem I see is none of my memories are related to Christ. I think I need to approach my devotions and Sunday worship services with a mindset that what I'm reading, what I'm hearing, is worthy of cherishing to the same degree that I cherish memories of my friends. I don't think automatically I'm going to start to have a life-changing attitude and automatically become a super-Christian. I'm not expecting that, but I think after 10 years of approaching church, God's word and prayer in a "treasure hunting" mindset, I will see dramatic improvement in my relationship with God. I hope so anyways.

And no, I didn't get this idea from my hero, C. S. Lewis.


Elenatintil said...

Very interesting Max! I never thought about our memories that way, but I think it makes a lot of sense.

Abby said...

Vunderbar! Bravo! Encore! We should talk sometime, you know it? Wow...I need to reread "Wired for Worship". Good way of putting it!

max said...

thanks you guys so much for pandering to me and liking my blog :D you have no idea what it means to me.

Anonymous said...

This is great stuff Max! I'm really loving what you have to say and it challenges the way I look at things. Keep up the good work!